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Q: Who is 1946's Giant Brain?
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What is dreaded it in madeline l'engles a wrinkle time?

a giant brain is dreaded

Who wrestled with Andrea the giant?

Hulk Hogan and booby the brain heenan

What animal has eyes bigger than its brain?

The giant squid has eyes that are larger than its brain. This allows it to have excellent vision in the deep ocean where it lives.

How big is a giant squid's eye?

May helpAlthough the giant squids brain is ridiculously complex it is actually exceptionaly small, especialy in comparison to the rest of it. The brain of the giant squid is built around the esophagus and weighs an average of only 22 grams.

What is the dreaded IT in Madeline L'Engle's 'A Wrinkle in Time'?

IT, the evil brain of Camazotz. It controls Camazotz. It is sort of like a dictator in it's own way.

Here's my Poem To me this giant pipe is the secret brain center of the world the biggest spaceshipthe longest tunnel... my secrets are hidden inside this giant pipe What does this mean by secrets?

Personal thoughts

Do giant pandas use a body part to help them live?

Every body part of a panda is necessary for them to live.

Can you give five examples of a simile?

As cute as a puppy as tall as a giant as big as a elephant as loud as a chimpanzee As stupid a bird's brain

Interpret Worker productivity among giant us corporation Is profit per employee more sensitive to industry?

It depends on your brain.

If you use Brain Control and then you use Giant Trundle your brain control will return to hand your opponent's monster will be yours or back to his side anyway until the End Phase?

moster goes to your side till the end phase