The origins of Hurling go back thousands of years. So it would not be known who invented the original camán, to give it its proper name. Over time it has changed its design, but no one individual can be credited with its creation. See the related question below.
The proper spelling would be Herkie, after the 'founding father of Cheerleading' Lawrence "Herkie" Herkimer, the man who created the jump. He had many firsts in the world of cheerleading.
the inventor of hurley is a man named bob hurley. however he does not own the company anymore because it was bought by Nike.
the inventor of hurley is a man named bob hurley. however he does not own the company anymore because it was bought by Nike.
In 1991 a man named Eddie Van Antwerp invented Hurley clothing.In the next couple years it became one of the biggest selling companies in the United States.
The joy stick was invented by C.B.Mirick .
Henkel invented the Pritt Stick in 1969.
Chad Hurley Steve Chen and Jawed Karim
Auto Ordnance, the original maker, was in West Hurley NY.
You don't hit it with anything. The stick is called a hurley sometimes, though the proper name is a camán. You use it to hit the ball which is known as a sliothar. Both words are from the Irish language.
The first hockey stick was invented in 1840.
Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim founded YouTube.
no body invented it
In 1973 the gluesticks were invented