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the aztecks

Soccer is believed to have evolved from ancient games. Cuju was played by the Chinese in the 2nd century BCE. The game, as soccer does today, involved players kicking a leather ball. In Cuju, the object was to kick the ball into a hole in a piece of silk. The sheet of silk was held up by two 10 meter poles. Later, in 600 CE, the Japanese started playing a game called Kemari. The object was to keep a ball up in the air for as long as possible. From those games and possible others, the game, soccer was born. The game became a popular game for kids and adults alike, which started its spread across Europe. The game, soccer, is now the most popular sport in the world.
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16y ago

Many different cultures have played a sport similar to the modern game of soccer but no one can really say with any certainty when or where soccer began but it is known that the earlier variations of what later became soccer were played almost 3000 years ago. One of the earliest forms of soccer in which players kicked a ball around on a small field has been traced as far back to 1004 B.C. in Japan. The Munich Ethnological Museum in Germany has a Chinese text from approximately 50 B.C. that mentions games very similar to soccer that were played between teams from Japan and China. The Chinese kicked a leather ball ( hair-filled ) and it is known with certainty that a soccer game was played in 611 A.D. in the then Japanese capital, Kyoto.

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