International Cricket Council(ICC) holds rank for the players around the world. Players with brilliant performance are also awarded.
The Rank Organization.
A two star general is a Major General; he or she holds the rank of O-8.
Colonel Mustard.
Chief of Staff
Prince William holds the rank of Captain in the Blues and Royals, Lieutenant in the Royal Navy and Flight Lieutenant in the Royal Air Force.
if Im correct then a 007 rank is an authorisation to kill, obviously with good reason and in the realm of the situation. James Bond holds the rank of Commander in the Royal Navy.
The Chief of Staff
"Sir" is a common title used to refer to a man with rank, typically someone who holds a position of authority or honor.
Classical Studies or Oriental Studies
It is ranked 9th in population and holds 2.11% of the world's population.
The status of rank in a conversation is the level of hierarchy. Each member of the conversation holds a different position over the other members in the conversation.
Luke Skywalker holds the rank of commander in The Empire Strikes Back.