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51 fouls committed by Northern State College, SD vs Southern Indiana on November 15, 1997. This is also the NCAA Division II record.

Division I Record: Arizona (50 fouls) vs. Northern Arizona on January 26, 1953

Division III Record: Condordia Chicago (47 fouls) vs. Trinity Christian College, IL on February 26, 1988

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Q: Who has the most fouls in a football game?
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Related questions

What sport has the most fouls?


How many fouls you get per game?

In most leagues it is 5 fouls until you are out. However, in some tournaments they can make up whatever rules they want so any number of fouls. But basically it is 5 fouls. -Kristen (I have played basketball for 6 years)

5 fouls on a player?

the player fouls out ,and is out the rest of the game

What is the role of a referee in football?

The referee maintains discipline and order throughout the game. It keeps time of the game, allows substitutions, calls fouls, and calls out-of-bounds balls.

What is the record of technical fouls in a game?

2 because if you get 2 technical fouls you're thrown out of the game

Was there ever in high school basketball that you could foul out with four fouls?

No, maxium of fouls are allowed in a game is 5 fouls. If you have 5 fouls, you are out of the game. You may sit and watch but depending on the referee. So, there are no 4 fouls. Maybe if you are in a town tourament for fun...

When did the nba change from 5 fouls to 6 fouls for elimination from the game?


How may fouls does each player get before fouling out in the NBA?


How many fouls forces a high school player out of a basketball game?

5, in most leagues

What is the Average of fouls per pro basketball game?

i think the avrage is 4 fouls

Number of personel fouls you can get before youre out of the game in basketball?


What if the accident was 50-50?

Most Insurance companies call this contributory negligence. Kind of like when both sides commit offsetting fouls in a football game. Each victim's insurance cover their insured and call it a draw.