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Q: Who has the best nba goal scoring in 2011 -2012?
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Who scored the best goal in 2011-2012?

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Malcolm MacDonald goal scoring stats?

The goal scoring statistics of Malcolm MacDonald can be seen at a website called Soccer Base. He is a former English footballer best known for scoring goals. He is nickname Supermac.

Who is the best goal keeper of the world 2012?

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What is Fernando Torres's best achievement?

Fernando Torres best achivement was scoring the winning goal in Euro 2008 final.

Was there ever an NHL team who won a playoff series without scoring a power play goal?

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Who is 2012 best goal keeper?

Alfredo barragan

What is the record for all time scoring by an NCAA field goal kicker?

well not to brag but vinnitire was the best by a land side

Who were the Top 4 goal scoring countries in world cup?

The top 4 goal scoring countries in the world cup ,are Brazil, Italy, Germany and argentina.

Who is considered to have scored the best goal of the 2012 World Cup?

According to ESPN, Zlatan Ibrahimovic was considered to have scored the best goal during the 2012 World Cup on November 15 of the same year. Some even went on to claim that it was the best goal of the century as Ibrahimovic scored his goal 30 yards from the goal post.

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