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Kareem Abdul-Jabbar with 237 playoff games

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11y ago

I believe John Stockton holds the record with 19 straight playoff appearences, which also happen to be on the same team, Utah Jazz.

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11y ago

Russel Westbrook.
Fisher and Diaw's streaks ended during the 11-12 season leaving Westbrook with the highest active streak

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16y ago

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

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15y ago

Kareme Abdule-Jabar

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9y ago

Robert Horry with 244 games.

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Q: Who has played in the most NBA Playoff games?
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Wilt Chamberlain played in 1,045 regular season games and 160 playoff games and never fouled out.

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In an NBA regular season, 82 games are played. Playoff games add to 16 teams season, so the most games a team could possibly have in a season including playoffs would be 110 games.

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it mattes on how long the playoff series are. some go for 7 games and some go for only 4

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36 wins are needed to be in playoff.

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For 2009, no one did.

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What NBA pro never fouled out of a basketball game?

Wilt Chamberlain played in 1,045 regular season games and 160 playoff games and did not foul out of a single game.