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Whoever gets to the ball first. :-)

A backward pass (i.e., a lateral) that is not caught is a live ball, and any player from either team may recover it. If it goes out of bounds, the ball is spotted at that point.

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Q: Who gets the fumble on a backwards pass?
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Is it a fumble if you throw the ball backwards?

Any ball not clearly a forward pass is a backward pass. The term lateral is not in any rule book Ihave ever read. The term is backward pass. A backward pass can be intercepted or recovered by the defense and they will get possession at the end of the play. A grounded backward pass is played as a fumble and can be recovered and advanced by either team.

Is a catch of an opponent's fumble or pass is called a recovery?

a fumble is you can recover it, but a pass you intercept it.

If in the NFL a player tries to fumble backwards but somehow it goes forward is it an illegal forward fumble?

A fumble is a fumble, no matter what direction it goes in, but a player cannot advance the ball forward through the air once they have passed the line of scrimmage.

If a receiver makes a catch and then fumbles do the yards count?

If the pass is ruled a catch then a fumble..the receiver receives the yards from the pass...and is credited with a fumble

If the ball is dropped is it then a fumble or incomplete forward pass?

If the player catching the ball has control of it and then he drops it it is a fumble, if they never caught it but they just touched it it is an incomplete pass

Is a lateral considered a fumble if the defense recovers the ball?

A lateral pass that hits the ground is a fumble, and if the defense recovers, it is a turnover. If the receiver drops the ball after he catches a lateral pass, it is considered an incompletion.

If a ball is passed forward but behind the line of scrimage and dropped is it a fumble or incomplete pass?

incomplete pass

Can A player fumble before gaining possession.?

A runner can fumble the ball prior to gaining possession of the football. A receiver must catch and secure the ball, and be deemed a runner before fumbling. If a receiver does not secure the ball, it is considered an incomplete pass instead of a fumble.

What is the shortest play in NFL history?

In 1964, Jim Marshall of the Vikings recovered a fumble 66 yards backwards into his own end zone, resulting in a safety. This was officially called a "-66 yard fumble recovery"

What does a cross and feed backwards mean?

Cross- pass across the field Feed back- pass backwards

The passer is roughed on a pass that is caught and then fumbled with a defensive player recovering the fumble Where do you enforce the penalty?

I think the whistle would be whistled berfore the fumble could actually happen.

Professional football words?

Pass, rush, yards, interception, fumble, penalty, tackle, helmet, touchdown