Jonathan Vilma
NFL Hall of Famer Jonathan Ogden was the first black and first Raven to be drafted after the move from Cleveland.
OJ Simpson was drafted with the First selection in the 1969 common AFL/NFL Draft by the Buffalo Bills.
Brian Urlacher no retard Jonathan vilma on the saints and ray Lewis on the ravens No Brian Urlacher and Brian Cushing are! Retard!
Sid Wagner
Simple answer: THEY DIDN'T. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell is a LIAR. One player he suspended was Jonathan Vilma, and why? Vilma (who is now back on the team after courageously suing Goodell [If you're reading this, Mr. Vilma, I applaude you]) is a refugee from Haiti and knows his people need help, built a school there, and didn't put his name on it even! Jonathan Vilma is a great man. And to top off why Goodell targeted him specifically, Vilma's a Christian. Good people make bad people like Goodell mad. Take Dat, Roger!
Doug Williams
According to's historical draft database, the first Rutgers player drafted was Linebacker Bob Simms who was drafted in the 10th round in the 1960 NFL Draft by the New York Giants.
Joe Montana was first in 1979 he was drafted. John Elway was drafted in 1983
He was drafted into the NFL IN 1999
Ray Guy, drafted in the first round by the Oakland Raiders in 1973, is the only punter to be drafted in the first round in the NFL draft.