Jaromir Jagr currently plays for the New Jersey Devils.
His former teams include the Pittsburgh Penguins, Washington Capitals, New York Rangers, Boston Bruins, Dallas Stars and Philadelphia Flyers.
Avangard Omsk in the Kontinental Hockey League.
Jaromir Jagr girlfriend Inna Puhajkova
Jaromir Jagr is currently listed at 240 lbs.
Jaromir Jagr goes by Puff Nuts.
Jaromir Jagr was born in Kladno, Czechoslovakia on 02-15-72.
Jirka Gregor is 5' 10".
Jaromir Jagr didn't play football dunder head he played for the Pittsburgh Penguins in the NHL not the NFL and why does it matter what he weighed in the gear.
Jaromir Jagr is number 68 on the New Jersey Devils.
Jaromir Jagr is listed at 240 lbs and currently wears #68 for the New Jersey Devils.
Jaromir Jagr is in NHL 10. He can't be found on his current team (Avangard Omsk) because the KHL isn't included in the game. However, he is on the roster of the Czech Republic national team, where you can play as him.
The value of a Jaromir Jagr rookie card depends on the maker of the card and its condition. He plays for the New Jersey Devils in the NHL.