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Q: Who did Kevin Peterson take out an injunction against while playing cricket for nottinghamshire England?
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What do i have to do to get an injunction lifted against me in england?

To get an injunction lifted against you in England, you will need to satisfy the terms of the injunction. Usually this means paying the fees and fines.

How Can you Use the Word Injunction in a Sentence?

Court has issued Injunction . This Injunction forbids you to enter.

What is a sentence for Injunction?

He filed for an injunction against police enforcement of the ordinance.

How do you use the word injunction in a sentence?

This is a command, especially a court order prohibiting you from doing something. Here are some sentences.She took out an injunction against him, forbidding him to come within 20 feet of her house.The judge approved that injunction.

Who is the premier footballer who has taken out an injunction against imogen thomas?

Ryan Giggs.

What is the definition of a injunction?

An injunction is a court order forbidding a person from doing a specific thing, or less often, commanding a person to do a thing. E.g. "The landholder obtained an injunction against his neighbour which forbade the construction of a giant tower on the neighbour's land."

Can a judge grant an application for preliminary injunction once a trial has started?

More information is necessary. Injunction against what, or who, for what reason? If it does not directly affect the defendant themselves, it is probably proper.Added answer:The answer this question is a simple Yes. If any party even during the trial, applies for a preliminary injunction against another party and proves that the injunction should be granted, the court may issue a preliminary injunction. The trial will continue and depending on who wins the case, the preliminary injunction will either be vacated or will ripen into a permanent injunction.The whole purpose of a preliminary injunction is to temporarily maintain the status quo between the parties until termination of the case. If the circumstances warrant it, the court may issue a preliminary injunction at any time to do this.

If you have an injunction in behalf of your minor daughter against her boyfriend and your duaghter turns 18 if the injunction still valid?

Injunctions can be either "temporary" or "permanent." Somewhere in the wording of the injunction (you should have received a copy) the terms of the injunction should be spelled out. If the injunction was awarded at your request to protect your minor child it is quite possible that now that she has legally become an adult it might no longer have any effect. If you cannot determine the information from reading the injunction papers, you will have to check with the issuing court to find out.

What do you do when someone breaches an non disclosure agreement?

Sue for damages and seek an injunction against further disclosure.

If a stalker is harassing you by coming to your front door can a court injunction be issued against that person?

get a restraining order

In Florida if a judge issued a temporary injunction against a defendant's bank account and the bond is not paid as required by the injuction is the injunction still valid?

If the Temporary Injunction is sought by a governmental entity, municipality or other governing authority, a Bond is not required. Although an extrodinary exception can occur by entities that are not governmental and such an exception is made and the Bond is waived, the Temporary Injunction would still be vaild and binding.

How do you get an injunction against someone harassing you?

prove to the court that you are likely to have success on the merits (substantial chance of prevailing in the case)