Lee Dixon's Arsenal testimonial match took place on November 8, 1999 against Real Madrid. Arsenal won the game 3 - 1, with German Stefan Malz scoring one of only two goals in his eight-game Arsenal career.
Lee Dixon
Trip Lee does not play an instrument. Trip Lee is a rapper.
John Brown's raid on the arsenal at Harpers Ferry.
The cast of Outlets USA - 2002 includes: Rae Sunshine Lee as Help Desk CSR Cindi Verbelun as Featured Shopper Testimonial
Tommy Lee Jones.
Lee Sharpe
Courtney Lee plays for the Memphis Grizzlies.
Saeed Lee plays Cornerback for the Atlanta Falcons.
Sean Lee plays for the Dallas Cowboys.
AJ Lee plays video games.
Lee Stempniak plays for the Pittsburgh Penguins.
Lee Yong plays as a Defender for South Korea.