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Goal Defence

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Q: Who defends GA in netball?
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What does the wing attack does in netball?

WA defends the WD on the other team and works at getting the ball to their goal circle.

Who is the important player in netball?

All the players are important in netball. The GK defends the ball from getting into the hoop and the GD helps defending as well as getting the ball away from the other team and down towards their own hoop. The C has to be wherever the ball is, trying to get it down to their own hoop with the help of the WD and WA. the GA and GS must get the ball into the hoop.

How many player are there on a netball team?

There are 7 players on a netball team; C, WA, GA, GS, WD, GD, GK Hope that helps:)

In netball what is CA job?

there is no CA in netball. the positions are GK, GD, WD, C, WA, GA,GS. I am guessing you meant GA so this position you shoot for goals like the GA but can run 2/3 of the court ( youre position is mixed between a GS and a WA)

How do you play GA in netball?

well GA is goal attack therefore you are a shooter. unlike goal shooter you can move to the centre third though

Name me some popular netball players?

Pamela cookey - GA Amanda newton - GD i think

How many players are in a netball team?

Their are 7 GA,GD,GK,GS,C,WA and WD :) xx

What does GAS stand for?

Short for Gasoline.

What position do Irene van Dyk play in netball?

She plays GA (goal attack) and GS (goal shooter)

How many players make a netball team?

Seven - GS, GA, WA, C, WD, GD, GK.

Who is allowed inside the 'D' on a Netball court?

When you mean 'D', I am assuming that you mean the semi-circle in your teams goal. If you are the only positions in netball allowed in the semi-circle are Goal Shooter (GA), Goal Attack (GA), Goal Keeper (GK), and Goal Defence (GD). Keep in mind that the GS and GA are only allowed in their goal semi-circle and the GK and GD are only allowed in the opposition goal semi-circle. Hope this helped :) Vicky

Players and positions in netball?

there are seven players on each team (gk, gd, wd, c, wa, ga, gs)