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The distance between the pitcher and home plate changed from 50 feet to 55 1/2 feet in 1887. At this time there was no mound but a box that was 6 feet long and 4 feet wide and the pitcher was required to keep his back foot anywhere on the back of the 4 foot wide box when he delivered. In 1893, the box was abolished and a mound was instituted where a 24 inch rubber plate that the pitcher was required to be touching with his back foot was located. This rubber plate was 60 1/2 feet away from home plate.

In 1887, the distance between the pitcher and home plate was moved from 50 feet to 55 1/2 feet but there was no mound. In 1893, the mound was introduced and the distance between the pitcher and home plate changed from 55 1/2 feet to 60 1/2 feet.

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12y ago

It really was accidental 60'.6INS was misread from 60 ft.And at 60 ft. Hitters couldn't touch the pitchers.

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