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Satan (first chronicles 21: 1)

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Q: Who challenged david when he wanted to number the people?
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Who challenged king David in a fight?

Nathan, the prophet, confronted David with his sin.

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because he wanted

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he wanted to

In which city was Charles David born in?

Unfortunately when researching to find where Charles David was born it was found that there are a number of people by the name of Charles David. One of the more famous people by that name is Charles David Keeling who was an American scientist that was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

Did David Tenant say he wanted to be an actor when he was 5?

According to many articles, David Tennant said he wanted to be an actor already when he was 3 years old.

Why didn't the people of Israel approve of David becoming king?

Some of the Tribes (apart from Judah) wanted to continue under Saul's descendants.

How many David's are in the US?

It is difficult to provide an exact number, but David is a common name in the US. As of 2020, there were over 1.3 million people named David in the United States.

Who wrote the book Pslam?

A variety of people. (e.g. David, Solomon, Asaph) but regularly David. It normally says next to the number (e.g. 23 a psalm of David) who wrote it.

Who wanted to be an example of christian living?

david tompson

Why did David Hockney photomontage his mother?

he felt he wanted to