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Q: Who can the President Hire and Fire at will?
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Who can fire the presidential cabinet?

The president can hire and fire the members of the cabinet. When he hires the cabinet members, the senate has the authority to reject his nominees. Also, the Vice President can't be fired unless he is impeached by the House of Representatives.

What can congress do to influence the bureaucracy?

Congress can cut the budgets. The President can hire and fire them, and the Courts can find individuals bureaucrats guilt of different things.

Is the vice president in charge of NASA?

The Vice President is a Chairman for NASA.UPDATE: Not anymore. The Vice-President used to be the chairman of the National Space Council, which had the power to hire and fire top management at NASA and set their budget. But in 1993, the National Space Council was disbanded and merged into the National Science and Technology Council, which no longer has the power to hire and fire top NASA management. (And this new council is chaired by the President, no longer the Vice-President.) Now, the NASA Administrator and Deputy Administrators are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

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What is doctrine of hire and fire?

The policy of hiring the new employees and firing the old ones is known as the doctrine of hire and fire.

Was abramham lincoln a general in the civil war?

No. As President, he was officially Commander-in-Chief of the Union armies, but this was an honorary, not a uniformed post. He could hire and fire Generals, but not issue orders.

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Can the president of the United States of America fire a union worker?

In a word no. The president only has the power to hire and fire high ranking federal workers and none of these people are union workers. In fact, most federal workers are not allowed to unionize, but they are protected from unfair labor practices under the civil service laws.

Who does hire or fire radio DJ?

chrissy mcneill

What are the strategic importance of HRM?

to fire and hire employees

What are the release dates for Under Construction - 2007 Roof Is on Fire Secretary to Hire?

Under Construction - 2007 Roof Is on Fire Secretary to Hire was released on: USA: 27 August 2008

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