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William G. Morgan invented volleyball

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Q: Who came up with volleyball euiptment?
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Where did volleyball came from?


Before a ball was custom made for the sport in 1900 what kind of a ball was being used in volleyball?

I don't think they played volleyball before the actual volleyball came out

What are the 5 lead up game of volleyball?

what are the 5 lead up games of volleyball

How do you play the game volleyball?

The game of volleyball goes up to 15 points.

What came first volleyball or basketball?

Basketball was invented first. Basketball was invented in 1891 by James Naismith, but volleyball was invented in 1895 by William Morgan. Basketball was invented first. Basketball was invented in 1891 by James Naismith, but volleyball was invented in 1895 by William Morgan. Oops, didn't mean to put my answer up there twice. Sorry!

How do you do the volley in volleyball?

A volley in volleyball is the name of the thing you do when you hit the volleyball upwards in order to set your team mate up for a smash.

Why should contrast media be labeled on the sterile back table in surgery?

yes, it should.i sell euiptment including sterile back tables and there is nothing wrong with that.

What does a passer do in volleyball?

You set up for spikes.

How do you make a phrase that put together the history of volleyball indoors outdoors volleyball and the rules of volleyball?

think, look up the rules for both indoor and outdoor volleyball and make a phrase that's like catchy or something (:

How did the come up with the name volleyball?

well... people like William g. Morgan mixed lots of sports together and the names to come up with volleyball.

What is the volleyball lead up game using catching and throwing skills called?

what is the volleyball lead up game using catching and throwing skills called

How does volleyball affect the heart and lungs?

Volleyball works up your heartbeat and therefore,it doesn't damage your heart or your lungs either.