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Q: Who are the two spanish speaking cardinals players?
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What are the two Spanish speaking country's are in the Caribbean?

The two Spanish-speaking countries in the Caribbean are Cuba and the Dominican Republic.

Which two Spanish-speaking countries are landlocked?

The two Spanish-speaking countries that are landlocked are Bolivia and Paraguay.

What is the Spanish speaking country that has two capitals?


How many spanish speaking countries are there in the eastern hemisphere?

There are two Spanish-speaking countries located in the Eastern Hemisphere: Spain and Equatorial Guinea.

What to Spanish speaking countries have no outlet to an ocean?

Bolivia and Paraguay are the two Spanish-speaking countries in South America that are landlocked and do not have a direct outlet to an ocean.

What is the name of the island which is in West Indies and it has two countries on it one is Spanish speaking the other French speaking?

Hispaniola is the name of the island in the West Indies which contains Haiti (french-speaking) and the Dominican Republic (spanish-speaking).

Which two spanish speaking countries are closest to US?

Mexico and Cuba are the two Spanish-speaking countries closest to the US geographically.

Two Spanish speaking people?

Cameron diaz and antonio banderoz

What Spanish speaking country has a flag with two different sides?

PARAGUAY, a Spanish-speaking country in South America, is known for specifically for having a flag were the obverse and reverse sides have different images.

How do you say they are both Spanish in Spanish?

They are both Spanish, Meaning - These two people (man/woman or two men) are from Spain = ambos son de España. Meaning - These two things are hispanic/spanish speaking - ambos son hispanos/latinos.

What are the two spanish speaking countrys in Africa and Asia political?

The two Spanish-speaking countries in Africa are Equatorial Guinea and Western Sahara. In Asia, there are no countries where Spanish is an official political language.

What French speaking nation shares an island with a Spanish speaking nation?

The island of Hispaniola is shared by two nations: Haiti, where French is spoken, and the Dominican Republic, where Spanish is spoken.