There are three syllables in the word "Pioneer" (pi-o-neer).
it was horrible;'(
F & O stands for Futures and Options
No, if f(n) o(g(n)), it does not necessarily imply that g(n) o(f(n)).
O F R was created in 1989.
F. O. Alexander was born in 1897.
F. O. Alexander died in 1993.
O. F. Tarasov has written: 'A. F. Tur 1894-1974'
O-H and H-F bonds are polar because of the electronegativity difference between the atoms. F-F and O-O bonds are nonpolar because the atoms have similar electronegativities, leading to equal sharing of electrons.
o j u s t f u c k o f f
O. F. Nelson has written: 'The truth about Samoa'