In the days of the Steel Curtain, the Steelers were huge rivals with the Raiders meeting them several seasons in a row in the playoffs. They don't play as much anymore partly because the Raiders miss the playoffs more frequently. The Raiders division rivals include the Chiefs, Broncos and Chargers. These games have lately been a letdown in terms of intensity because of the Raiders consistent losing record. Rivalry implies competition, and the Raiders haven't been good enough to genuinely compete with anyone since 2002. The so called "Rivalry Games" don't really mean anything anymore. They could again matter someday when Oakland has more talent and playoff hopes on the line however. All their high draft picks have to kick in sooner or later.
The Kansas City Chiefs, the Denver Bronco, the San Diego Chargers, and the San Francisco 49ers.
Seattle Seahawks
The San Fransisco 49ers.
The 49ers, Seahawks, and the St. Lous Rams.
In my opinion I would say the Houston Texans
The Seahawks have no enemies, but some of their rivals include the 49ers, the Broncos, and so forth. Their is no actual animal called a 'Seahawk'.
The big D, little d rivalry between Dallas and Denver will always be a classic. nope it is the Washington Redskins and the Philadelphia Eagles Dallas and Denver were never rivals and probably never will be. The Cowboys rivals currently are: Washington Redskins, Philadelphia Eagles, New York Giants, and Pittsburgh Steelers. Also who can forget that the Arizona Cardinals were once in the NFC East. San Francisco 49ers were a strong rival and of course the Houston Texans. Dallas has the most rivals in history because of such a winning record.
The 49ers do not stink.
You could accept the challenge and be rivals but if you don't you can for get you were even rivals.
The 49ers!
49ers all dayy (:
The 49ers have had many rivals throughout their history. In the 1970's and the early 1980's their biggest rival was the Dallas Cowboys. Throughout the 1980's and early 1990's their chief rival was the New York Giants who they played in the playoffs numerous times. Then, in the early 1990's Dallas became great again, and the Cowboy-49ers rivalry renewed in a big way. After that, in the mid 1990's the Green Bay Packers with Bret Favre emerged as a big rival. Today, the 49ers biggest rival is fellow NFC West team, and recent Super Bowl Champion, the Seattle Seahawks.
She did not have any rivals.