Well, today there is Ian Kinsler (Texas Rangers), Ryan Bruan (Brewers), Kevin Youkillis (Half-Jewish) (Boston Red Sox)...
In the 70's Ron Blomberg (Yankees, Chicago White Sox) (1st Dh) (1st Jewish Yankee)), Elliot Maddox (Mets, Yankees...(Convert))...
No they have manufacturers who sponsor teams and they provide SOME of the players with their equipment
about 5% of MLB players or (Major League Baseball) players used or inject steroids. Some of the greats like Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, ALex Rodriquez, Roger Clemens, Miguel Tejada, and Rafael Palmeiro. Thos are just some of the great players.
A-rod uses this is why im hot
All Major League teams are different some teams will allow the team Manager to make those decisions on adding players to their Major League roster while some teams will have their General Manager make those decisions on the makeup of their Major League roster and there are some teams where it can be a collective effort between the team Manager and the General Manager or even between the team Manager, General Manager and either the President and/or the owner.
Going back to 1871, out of 17172 baseball players, 8240 have pitched in at least one game, 48%
All Major League teams are different some teams will allow the team Manager to make those decisions on adding players to their Major League roster while some teams will have their General Manager make those decisions on the makeup of their Major League roster and there are some teams where it can be a collective effort between the team Manager and the General Manager or even between the team Manager, General Manager and either the President and/or the owner.
Why does "who" were their pants legs at the knees? If you mean some minor leaguers, in some cases the major league team dictates how its players must wear their pants on their minor league affiliates. All major leaguers don't wear their pants legs to the ankles. Some wear them only to their knees. There is no set rules for major leagues on where their pants legs must go. Most wear them where they feel most comfortable. Some players who wear their pants legs hige are Soriano of the Cubs, Berkman of the Astros, Varatek of the Red Sox. Some players change from game to game high sometimes, low at other times.
Major League Baseball. It was founded in the late 1800's
Jackie Robinson was the first African American major league Baseball player. He was discriminated against by other players, and even his own teammates resented him.
Some players just want to play rugby but mostly because rugby pays better then league.
According to <HTTP: ballplayer.shtml players www.Baseball-almanac.com>, 16,219. Quite an interesting site the above is. As of the start of the 2007 season, there have been 16,440 players in MLB. And for some useless trivia, there has never been an MLB player whose last name started with 'X'.