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Q: Who are eligible receivers in flag football?
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Who are the eligible receivers in flag football?

In a game of flag football, any receiver is eligible to be thrown to after the ball is hiked. Regular football games have more strict rules, but in flag football, you can throw to anyone.

When is the center not eligible in flag football?

the center is always eligible

What is all the positions in flag football?

theres the center, 2 receivers, 2 halfbacks, and a quarterback

Is a tackle eligible in youth football?

It depends on the league but usually sometimes they play flag football for a few years and then move up to tackle football

What positions in football are receivers?


What does the wide receivers do in football?

Catch passes

A type of football game that does not involve tackling?

Flag football or touch football

What is a game developed in Africa?

flag football flag football

Can you have more than 7 on the line in an offensive play?

Yes, but it reduces the number of eligible receivers

Are wide receivers on the line in football?

yes but sometimes off

How is class flag football different from nfl?

There is no tackle in flag football

What are the best flag football defenses?

the best flag of football is liverpool