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Q: Which team has had the most penalties against them in league 2 this season?
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Which premier league player has scored the most penalties this season?


What national football league team has the most penalties in season 2008?

denver broncos

Who has had the most penalties in the barclays premier league?

Most penalties are won by Manchester united in the e.p.L.

Which player has scored in most penalties this season?

Josef Bican has scored 61 goals in one season

What spl team has had the most penalties this season?

As of 3/23 in the 2013-2014 season, Liverpool has received the most penalties (in favor of) with ten penalties. Of the ten they earned, Liverpool has put in eight of the penalties. The other two were missed, not saved.

Which NFL team had the most penalties in this season?


How many teams are yet to win a penalty in Barclays Premier League 2012-2013 season?

Swansea City and Tottenham Hotspurs are the only two clubs who did not win one penalty in the Premier league during the 2012-2013 season. Chelsea won the most that season, with 11 penalties earned.

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Which NFL team has the most penalties this season?

Dallas foulboys

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What player has scored the most Premier League penalties?

alan shearer

Who has the most penalties for fighting in the National Hockey League?

Bob probert