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Q: Which system controls voluntary movements such as throwing the ball catching the ball kicking the ball?
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What are three examples of fundamental movements?

throwing, catching, and kicking.

What are the basicskills of softball?

batting throwing catching running batting throwing catching running

How is throwing a ball voluntary?

It is voluntary because your voluntary muscells in the arm are preforming this action.

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What is the opposite of throwing?

The opposite of throwing is catching or receiving.

Does the somatic nervous system or the automatic nervous system control the throwing of a baseball Explain?

The somatic nervous system controls the voluntary movements involved in throwing a baseball, such as contracting the arm muscles. The autonomic nervous system focuses on involuntary actions, like regulating heart rate and digestion.

What is the opposite of catching a ball?

Throwing the ball.

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Have a great ability at catching and throwing and if your a QB a great throwing ability too.

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Johanna kills Cashmere by throwing an axe into her chest in Catching Fire.

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