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Table Tennis. of course, i play it but i used to play tennis. Table tennis is more technical with spin and requires less athletic and fitness. Tennis is mostly about hitting the ball as hard as you can until one gets tired I totally agree. Table tennis is an ace sport and more girls should play it. I used to play tennis too but found it quite boring but i love table tennis and it is my main sport!

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15y ago
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14y ago

Some say soccer is most popular, some say cricket is more popular. But soccer is more popular in terms of fans. Soccer is played in more than half of the total countries in the world. Cricket is very popular in the countries in which it is played. International Cricket is played by about 20 countries.

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15y ago

Second most poplular sport after Soccer (Fotbol) around the world Played by all the common wealth nations.

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15y ago

Cricket is more popular than table tennis in South Africa

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16y ago

At the moment,cricket is more popular than Rugby.

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9y ago

Neither is better. It is a personal preference

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according to wikipedia its either basketball or boxing but i reckon its table tennis

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The table tennis is a winter sport as well as a summer sport.

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7 behind Soccer,table tennis,basketball,football,badminton, and cricket

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tennis/table tennis

In what sport do you hear the terms love deuce?

The typical sport that uses the term, "deuce", is Tennis or Table Tennis.

Is Table tennise a sport?

yes, table tennis is in fact, a sport.

Do men and women play table tennis?

Yes, table tennis is a unisex sport

What is Ariana Grande's favorite sport?

I think Ariana's favorite sport is Table Tennis because in an interview somone asked her if you were stuck in a desert if you had all the supplies what extra thing would you bring and she answered a table tennis ball and a racket.

What does the term butterfly mean in regards to the sport of table tennis?

The term, "Butterfly", in regards to the sport of table tennis is the worlds most popular manufacturer of table tennis equipment. The Butterfly company makes paddles, nets, balls and table tennis tables.