the most league trophy winners are Glagow Rangers with 53 as of the 2008/09 season
FC Skonto of Latvia has won the most league titles in a row with 14 from 1991 - 2005.
y u askin me
Vitor Baia of FC Porto and Barcelona is the player in the world with the most team titles, NOT Ryan Giggs. Baia has won 31 team trophies with FC Porto and Barcelona.
soccer is won by the team with the most points at the end of the game.
The national football team (soccer team) in Brazil is very popular. The Brazil team has won 5 FIFA World Cup titles, and they have also won 4 FIFA Federations Cup titles.
Linfield FC of Northern Ireland--49 titles (feel free to verify this)
Real Madrid is the team that has won most La Liga titles with 32 titles. FC Barcelona are second with 21 titles.
Marius Lacatus - Steaua Bucharest(1985,1986,1987,1988,1989,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998)
as of the standings of the 08/09 season Manchester United.
Manchester United has won the most Premiership titles, with twelve.
Boston Celtics