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The director told the choir members to avoid yelling at the Basketball game, get a good night's sleep, and eat a light breakfast the morning of the audition.

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Q: Which sentence has good parallel structure The director told the choir members to avoid yelling at the basketball game to get a good night sleep and eat a light breakfast the morning of?
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What is parallel strucuture?

A structure that is parallel.

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What is a parallel array?

a parallel is data structure for representing array of records.

Parallel structure is the repetition of?

words, phrases, or sentences that have the same grammatical structure

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In The Autobiography The Declaration Of Independence Uses Parallel Structure in his Argument when he?

In The Autobiography, The Declaration Of Independence Jefferson uses Parallel Structure in his Argument when he is airing the grievances of the farmers.

Examples for angles parallel lines perpendicular lines?

Real life example of parallel lines are railroad tracks and rows in a garden. Also the lines on a basketball court are parallel

Which is used to create a balance in a sentence?

Parallel structure

Do parallel sentence structure confuses readers?


What is a parallel universe?

A parallel universe is a hypothetical self-contained reality that exists alongside our own, with its own set of physical laws and properties. In this concept, multiple universes exist simultaneously, often referred to as a multiverse. Each universe may have similar or vastly different characteristics compared to our own.

When do you use Parallel language structure?

Parallel language structure is used to create balance and clarity in writing by presenting ideas in a consistent and parallel manner. It is commonly used in lists, comparisons, and to emphasize relationships between elements in a sentence or paragraph. By maintaining a parallel structure, the reader can easily follow and understand the connections between ideas.

Is there an example of parallel structure in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?

Yes, an example of parallel structure in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is "He gloried in getting the best of them, in his little battles." In this sentence, the repeated use of "in" followed by a gerund phrase creates a parallel structure, emphasizing Tom's enjoyment of triumphing over others.