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Kansas City Chiefs with 18 players from the SEC

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Q: Which sec team has most players in NFL?
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Which NFL team has the most SEC players?

kansas city chiefs

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How many former sec players are in the NFL hall of fame?

As one of the dominant conferences in college football, the SEC has several players in the NFL hall of fame. There are 23 total players from the SEC, with the most coming from Alabama, a total of 7.

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What NCAA conference has the most players in the NFL Hall of Fame?

The Big Ten currently has more than twice as much as any conference at 47 players, however that number will change to 50 next season when Nebraska officially joins. The next closest conferences are the SEC and ACC with 22 each.

How many Pac 10 players on 2010 NFL Rosters?

According to ESPN's 2010 'NFL Players By College' the Pac-10 has 198 players on NFL rosters. By comparison the SEC has 261 but with two additional teams. If you include future Pac-10 members Colorado and Utah for an apples-to-apples 12 team vs 12 team comparison the Pac '12' has 235 to the SEC's 261. Utah will probably recruit better in an AQ conference and CU should since they recruit heavily in CA. In a few years the gap should close somewhat but for now it's 21.75 NFL players per SEC team and 19.8 per Pac-10 team, way closer than some would have you believe.

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