Sachin Tendulkar has played most icc world cup.He played his last world cup 2011.
Before the World Cup Final in 19338, Mussolini sent a telegram to every Italian plyer that said "Vincere o morire", which means win or die. Italy won 4-2.
The F.I.F.A world cup is the most prestigious cup.
International Soccer (Football) World Cup
Brazil has won the world cup the most, with 5 wins.
The most recent participation by Ireland in the world cup was the 2002 Korea/Japan world cup
Germanys women team have won the world cup the most times.
The team that sored the most goals in the world cup is Brazil.
Brazil has won the world cup the most with five wins.
No world cup was played in 2009.
Italy with4 world cup wins
Maracana, Brazil