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Q: Which player on the Green Bay Packers is from brookville pa?
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Related questions

What did green bay become?

The Green Bay Packers are still the Green Bay Packers.

What state are the green brae packers from?

The Green Bay Packers are from Wisconsin. It's north of Illinois and east of Minnesota.

Who is the youngest player for Green Bay Packers?

Clay Matthews

Who is the best player on the Green Bay Packers?

Aaron Rogers

Who is the oldest player on the Green Bay Packers?

Donald driver

What is the hometown to the Green Bay Packers?

The packers are located in GREEN BAY, Wisconsin.

What is the Green Bay Packers home city?

The Green Bay Packers come from Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Are the packers from Oakland?

No their from green bay,that's why there called the GREEN BAY packers

When was Green Bay Packers created?

Green Bay Packers was created in 1919.

Is there a player named Major Mosley playing for the Green Bay Packers?


Who was the first player drafted by the Green Bay Packers?

Russ Letlow

Who is the youngest player on the Green Bay Packers?

Greg Jennings