Any player on the field of play or the head coach of the team may call a timeout.
Coaches and quarterbacks can call a timeout on the field during a College Football game.
You can call a timeout whenever you would like to.
No you can't.
technical foul
they will give you a penalty
about 5 minutes
Yes, but not just in Ohio it's like that everywhere including the NBA.
yes it is called a full timeout
The 30-second timeout is to correct a play call or injury within the 2-mintue mark. The 30-second timeout is to correct a play call or injury within the 2-mintue mark.
10 seconds. In college if they call timeout they get a fresh 10 seconds when the ball in inbounded again. In the NBA they only get what time was left on the clock when timeout was called.
Yes but I dont know
During regulation play teams may call consecutive time outs. Only one timeout can be called at the end of the 4th qtr if a team has a time out remaining. You can not use the 1 additional timeout allotted for overtime until the overtime begins