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Q: Which part of a debate does one team question the opposing team?
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In which part of a debate does one team question the opposing team?


What part of a debate does a team question?


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"Rebuttal" is the part of the debate in which one team gives a response to the other.

Which term is used for the part of debate in which one team gives a response to the other?

"Rebuttal" is the part of the debate in which one team gives a response to the other.

Which part of a debate does a team repeat its main points?


Which term is used for the part of a debate in which on team gives a response to the other?


Which term is used for the part of a debate in which team gives a response to the other?


How do you improve your debating skills?

Before a debate try to appear calm, smile, make jokes this will let the opposing team tremble because they will see how confident you are.

Which is the term for the part of the debate in which team first states its main argument?

Constructive Speech

Which is the term for the part of the debate in which a team first states its main argument?

Constructive Speech

Which is the term for the part of debate in which a team first states its main argument?

Constructive Speech

How many speakers are there in a debate team?

3 speakers are there in a debate team.