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The father provides an X or Y chromosome; the mother always provides an X chromosome. Therefore, the sex of the child is determined by the chromosome of the individual sperm that fertilizes the egg.

Male offspring carry XY chromosomes; female offspring carry XX chromosomes.

Information from another contributor

  • the father deposits the semen containing sperms in the vagina of mother. ideally the X and the Y sperms are in same number (this is rarely the case).
  • the germ cell in father's testicle initially divides into 2 cells. one of which is Y sperm responsible for male child. second one is X sperm responsible for female child. These cells then each divide in 2 these 2 cells further divide in 2 each producing 4 of one kind. this process goes on and on to produce 50 millions to 150 millions sperms in the semen. Half of them are Y sperms and Other half are X sperms.
  • If the X sperm unite with female egg then a female child is born.
  • If Y sperm unite with female egg then a male child is produced.
  • As same number of Y and X sperms are deposited in the vagina; which type of sperm ultimately will unite with female egg depends on the conditions of female reproductive system. Whether the condition is favorable for the rapid and safe movement of X sperms or the Y sperms.
  • The Y sperms are very delicate and are easily get destroyed by acidic and toxic environment of vagina. Thus if the vagina is very acidic most of the Y sperms are destroyed the rest may get immobile and not fit to swim in the cervical canal.
  • The X sperms are stronger and can withstand the acidity and toxicity better.
  • Thus if the medium of the reproductive organ mainly vagina, cervix, uterus and fallopian tubes is not favorable then the Y sperms get destroyed or immobile and the surviving X sperms swim in to unite with X egg of the woman to produce female child. This is why failure of family planning method like condom, spermicides, jelly, or withdrawal mostly results in female child. Similarly women having vaginitis, cervicitis, leucorhea, candida infection, cervical erosion almost always produce female children.
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Q: Which parent determines the sex of a child?
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Which parent determins a child's gender?

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Is the sex offspring is determined by the chromosome the female parent gives?

Yes, the sex of the offspring is determined by the chromosomes contributed by the parents. The female parent always gives an X chromosome, while the male parent can contribute either an X or a Y chromosome, determining whether the offspring will be male (XY) or female (XX).

What are passed from parent to child on a sex chromosome?

They are sex-linked genes.

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The number 23 usually refers to the fact that each parent contributes 23 numbers to a child's chromosomes. The 23rd chromosome determines the sex of the baby.

Which kind of cell determines the sex of a child?

The sperm cell, which is a gamete.

What are alleles passed from parent to child on a sex chromosomes?

They are sex-linked genes.

What determines weather a child concieved is a boy or a girl?

The sex of a child is determined by the sex chromosome of the sperm cell (which comes from the father). If it is a Y, the child will be a boy, if it is an X, the child will be a girl.

Which parents gamete normally determines the sex of the child?

The father's gamete determines the sex of the child. Specifically, the presence or absence of a Y chromosome in the father's sperm will determine if the child will be male (Y chromosome present) or female (no Y chromosome).

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What is passed from parent to child on sex chromosomes?

A parents sex chromosomes hold DNA. A parents DNA is passed onto the child.