Carmine Foresta's birth name is Carmine Michael Foresta.
Carmine is a shade of red.
Carmine Guida's birth name is Carmine T. Guida.
Carmine Infantino's birth name is Carmine Michael Infantino.
Carmine Persico's birth name is Carmine John Persico Jr..
Benjamin Carmine
beetles that have carmine a red pigment
There are 4 Carmines in the Gears of War series: Pvt. Anthony Carmine, Pvt. Benjamin Carmine, Clay Carmine and Sgt. Madison Carmine.
Carmine DeSapio died in 2004.
Carmine Rosato was created in 1974.
Carmine Furletti died in 2008.
Carmine Furletti was born in 1926.