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Q: Which options in word 2010 are not displayed in Draft View?
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Related questions

What is classic view?

In classic view,options will be displayed separately and not as a group.

In which view do headers and footers NOT display?

The correct answer is Draft View. In this view graphics, headers and footers are not displayed.

What is a date format in excel 2007?

It is the way you would like the date displayed when you view it. Here are some options: 01/12/2010 Decenber 13, 2009 1-Mar-54

What is the view where data is displayed in a form on a screen?

form view

The field properties area is displayed in datasheet view true or false?

The Field Properties area is displayed in Datasheet view. true or false

Suddenly Word does not display your favorite toolbar. What has happened?

In Microsoft Word, the View menu gives a user the option to customize which toolbars are displayed. Checking and unchecking those options allows a user to choose to display the toolbars he or she uses the most.

How can you control which toolbars are displayed in Internet explorer?

From View > Toolbars, toolbar with check mark will be displayed.

Internet need smaller print on it?

Generally there are menu-items in the View menu which allows the user to increase or decrease the size in which text is displayed. if not, try looking in the Options or Preferences menu-items.

What is Draft view in Word?

yo mamma

By default how are files displayed in the Windows Explorer?

By default the tile view files are displayed in the Windows Explorer

View where data is displayed in a form on the screen?

a drive

Which type of break is visible in Draft view?
