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using a push poll

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Q: Which of the following is not a good polling technique?
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What is push polling?

A push poll is a specialized marketing technique that is used mostly in election polling. It consists of a caller being influenced or "pushed" into changing his or her mind about a candidate or an issue.

Which of the following is an advantage of polling?

equal access to the medium for all computers on the network

What is major problem with the straw vote polling technique?

Straw vote polling is highly unreliable because nothing in the process ensures that those who respond will represent a reasonably accurate cross section of the total population.

Which of the following is technique for regonizing an attack signature?

they are frequency, pattern, correlation and statistical technique.

What is a sentence for polling booth?

Voters gathered at the polling booth to cast their ballots in the local election.

What is the most common form of polling?

internet polling

What is bad technique in sport?

Bad technique in sports, are all techniques that are not performed naturally, and that does not give a good result when performed. Good technique is any technique that is natural in it's execution, and gives good results.

Is Polling a place where you vote?

polls, polling is a survey process

How many constituencies and polling stations in Ghana?

230 constituencies and 24,000 polling stations

When was British Polling Council created?

British Polling Council was created in 2004.

The place where citizens bote is called what?

It is called polling station or polling place.