The National League defeated the American League, 5-1. It was the second consecutive All-Star Game victory for the N.L.
satchel paige is the oldest baseball person to play in an allstar game
The MLB all-star game is in phoenix Arizona this year.
Major League Baseball Game of the Week was created in 1996.
Perfect Game Collegiate Baseball League was created in 2010.
Major League Baseball All-Star Game was created in 1933.
Before and after the allstar game in July.
The national league won the 2011 all star game, defeating the American League 5-1 at Chase Field on July 12, 2011.
A Little League baseball game is called when you look up and see grey clouds.
Ummm the All Star game?
The National League
The same as in Major League Baseball and all levels of the game from high school on up.
Probably the Pecole little league rookie league championship game, either that or the little league world series championship game in williamsport :)