Cricket ball because they require a larger wider paddle to hit them so i am pretty sure it is a cricket ball
cricket ball
The cricket ball has more inertia than the rubber ball because inertia is directly proportional to mass. The cricket ball is denser and heavier than the rubber ball, making it harder to change its state of motion.
it is because of the fact that two piece ball is heavier than four piece ball.
a tennis ball, a baseball, a golf ball, a monkey skull
do you mean an actual animal bat or a bat as in bat and ball i hope its not the animal otherwise it would be animal abuse lol you could use a bat in cricket, tennis, batminton, baseball, croquet, table tennis and more
A lacrosse ball is very different from a baseball. It is heavier and more bouncy. A baseball is light and stings when you get hit, a lacrosse ball is more of a thud since it is heavier. A lacrosse ball is not harder than a baseball, but it does hurt more when you get hit by one.
A cricket ball is heavier and harder than a tennis ball, designed for the sport of cricket which requires more durability and bounce. Tennis balls are lighter and designed for tennis, with a softer texture that makes them easier to hit and handle.
It's tennis ball.
A cricket ball weighs between 156 and 163 grams or about six or seven ounces. Most cannonballs weigh several pounds. Some cannon fire 20 to 30 pound balls.
Cricket for one
One game played with a bat and no ball is Piñata.Games played with a bat and ball include baseball and cricket.