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Colour doesn't matter.

Although most hockey players use white tape. Black tape is much stronger. If you use white tape like I did for 3 years, you should tape your stick after every game (depending if you play contact/rep hockey, or pick up hockey) i perfer the black tape just for the fact it holds up better than white, but white looks better.

Also for the blade of the stick black tape has a higher visibility on the ice and therefore it is easier for team mates to pass the puck right onto your blade. For even more visibility some white stripes should be placed on the blade.

Some people say white is for defense and black is for forwards, defense uses white so when they poke check its harder to see the stick coming towards the puck since white matches the ice. And Black for passing so forwards can make tape to tape passes easier.

Some players also believe that black tape is better because it is more difficult for a goalie to track your shot as it comes off your stick blade.

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Q: Which is better for hockey stick blades - Black or White stick tape and why?
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