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Any standard whistle used by referees in any other sport will work.

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Q: Which hockey whistles should you use to referee?
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They are enforced by Nazis, who use shotguns to shoot people with little bb pellets every time they dom something wrong. Believe me this hurts! that's why hockey is usuallly a fun and clean natured game

What places sell silent dog whistles?

Dog whistles inflict pain upon the dog with their high frequency noise. The use of dog whistles in dog training is cruel and archaic.

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A good quality of a basketball referee is to read the play, if a player gets a small foul but does not fumble the ball a good referee will not call the foul. Another good quality a referee has to have is good communication skills, a referee should use his voice more than his wistle to keep the game flowing

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Should we use have been had been or has been in the following sentence No referee had been sent a request at this time?

Has been is correct, since we are talking about the present. We wouldn't use have been since that would go with referees, plural, not referee singular. To use had been, we would be talking about something that happened in the past. For example, last year no referee had been sent a request.

What kind of whistles do NFL officials use?

Fox 40

How do you use the word referee in a sentence?

I can give you several sentences.He is going to referee the ball game.The referee blew his whistle for half time.They fought for half an hour with no referee.

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Cleats are not allowed on an astroturf hockey pitch, Trainers or Astroturf trainers that are specific to hockey which will have adequate protection overall should be warn

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If a replacement window whistles every time it storms there is a leak somewhere in the window. Either call the company that replaced the window or try to use weather stripping to seal the window.

What did nhl referees use before whistles?

there own voices :O

Does a dolphin bark?

No, dolphins use a series of clicks and whistles to communicate