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Q: Which groupp was opposed to the draft?
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Why were the Americans opposed to the Vietman War?

The draft.

How did Americans who opposed the draft avoid it?

They ignored draft notices and became conscientious objectors.

How did the Americans opposed the draft avoid it?

They ignored draft notices and became conscientious objectors.

What organizations opposed Vietnam war?

College students. (They were draft age).

The draft was suspended largely because?

American public opinion opposed it. Screw e2020 !

What were the two reasons some northerners opposed the war?

The main opposition came from Copperheads, who were Southern sympathizers. Irish Catholics opposed the war due to the draft.

What is the enrollment act of march 1863?

was a kind of draft that the wealthy could buy their way out of and was strongly opposed in the north

Why were the hippies against the draft?

Hippies were against the draft during the Vietnam War because it represented the government's forced involvement in a war they opposed. They believed in nonviolence and rejected the idea of being conscripted to fight in a war they did not support. The draft also symbolized the establishment and authority that hippies were generally against.

What are the homophones for order of money and current of air?

Draft and draught are the homophones meaning order of money and current of air. A Demand Draft is similar to a check except that the amount is pre-withdrawn from your account or paid in cash when creating one. The person being paid has zero risk as demand drafts cannot or will not bounce (as opposed to a check). A draft is a current of air present generally in enclosed or small spaces (as opposed to a breeze, which is generally outdoors and spread across large areas).

Why were many American people turning against the Vietnam war and which groups were opposed to the war and why?

The military draft. Which groups? Those that were effected by the military draft; young men and their supporters (wives, girlfriends, sisters, cousins, etc. etc. etc.).

How did the demonstrations and violence on college campuses following the invasion of Cambodia reveal the depth of opposition to the war in Vietnam?

since it was most vehemently opposed by college students, one could say that the demonstrations showed that the war was most opposed by those eligible for the draft and their peers.

What are the breeds of draft horses?

draft breton dutch draft Irish draft latvian draft