Maria del Carmen Cuesta was born in 1923, in Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
Maria Jesus Nieto was born on January 23, 1961, in Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
Angel Di Maria is 180 cm.
Angel Di Maria goes by Angelito, and Fideo.
Maria Salorio was born on March 29, 1967, in Madrid, Spain.
Maria del Mar was born in c. 1964, in Madrid, Spain.
Rafael Maria Zambrano died on February 6, 1991, in Madrid, Spain.
Angel Flirt's birth name is Maria Alvarez.
We know, as in a person or place. Examples: Conocemos a María. - We know Maria. (Notice the "personal a"). Conocemos Madrid. - We know Madrid.
Real Madrid is nothing with out Cristiano Ronaldo, angel DI maria, misut osil, Karim benzema, and xabi alonzo and barca has a line of youth stars waiting play there for barca is 1,000,000 times better then real Madrid. We have proof of this in there match in 2009 Barca won 6 to 2 but real Madrid is a good team.When trying to decide who is the best team between Real Madrid or Barcelona it is clear that Real Madrid has won more major competitions than Barcelona.
Angel Gamboa's birth name is Angela Maria Gamboa.
They are the same because dortmund have lewandowski and godughan but real madrid have ronaldo and di maria