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which fingers on a pitcher's throwing hand controls a curve ball and a slider

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Q: Which finger on a pictures hand controls a curve ball and a slider?
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Which finger on a pitcher's throwing hand controls a curve ball and slider?

Middle Finger

a cross between a fast ball and a curve?

When a fast ball and curve ball are mixed together it is called a slider.

What are four good baseball pitches?

Fastball, slider, curve ball, change up. Other pitches include the splitter (split finger fastball) and knuckleball.

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Fastball in the low 90s .... a great slider and a slow curve.

How do you throw a slider baseball?

A slider is thrown like a curve ball just much faster.

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Fastball, curve, slider

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What is the best thing about the baseball pitch called the slider?

To the batter the slider properly thrown has the batter thinking he is facing a fastball. This among other things fools the batter and he is not expecting the ball to waver in its flight to home plate. I filled in part of the discussion area to explore this pitch in more depth.

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Fastball, curve, slider, and now a change up

What types of positions in Fastpitch are there?

Curve ball, Change up, fast ball, slider, splitter.

What is fast ball?

A fast ball is when the pitchers throws the ball straight at the strike zone, it doesn't curve (curve ball) or lower (slider), it goes straight ahead.

What is a slider ball?

A slider is similar to a curve ball in the fact that it breaks from left to right or right to left depending on if your a righty or lefty, but the ball doesn't break downward like a curveball does.