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It was John Geoffrey Wright (born 5 July 1954) a former international cricketer representing - and captaining - New Zealand,

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Q: Which cricketer super glued his gloves to his bat because of gripping problem?
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Related questions

Why did gunfighters in the Old West wear gloves?

gripping the guns/weapons

Where can I purchase a pair of Fitness gloves?

Gloves play an important role when it comes to Fitness, especially when it has to do with weights. It protects the palms and assists in gripping. You can check out for brands and how to purchase one.

What are some advantages of using Under Armour gloves?

There are many different types of Under Armour gloves for many different purposes. Thinner gloves are used as batting gloves for a better grip on the baseball bat. Thicker gloves can be or use in cold weather. Under Armour also sells workout gloves for ease of gripping weights and bars.

What kind of gloves will be suitable for a car mechanic?

For a car mechanic you need stury gloves, usually made of a thick material to avoid hot metal burns. It also helps if they have gripping material on the palms. There are specific gloves made for mechanics. One company that sells these is Mechanix Wear. You can find them onsale at many online retailers such as

What is the most effective type of latex gloves?

I've always used Emerald Latex Gloves, and I've never had a problem.

Do you have problem when you touch chlorine without gloves?

no i do not i had one for a year

Why hand sweat when you wear gloves?

Wearing gloves can lead to hand sweating because gloves create a barrier that can trap heat and moisture against the skin. This can cause the hands to sweat as the body tries to regulate its temperature. Additionally, certain materials used in gloves may not allow for proper ventilation, contributing to sweating.

Was Roberto Clemente wealthy or poor?

No, he was not rich. He used to make his gloves out of old milk cartons

Why doesn't a soccer goalie have to wear a glove?

Why should a goalkeeper have to wear gloves in football? Gloves are only worn for padding and gripping reasons, so it is the choice of the keeper as to whether he prefers the grip of the gloves and whether he feels he needs padding. The only real argument for goalies to have to wear gloves is that if there is a packed penalty area, and the referee sees a hand touch the ball, it is easier in that split second to see if it was the goalkeeper or whether someone comitted hand ball.

Where to get emo gloves?

well the best place to get emo gloves i would say Hot Topic because they have a great variety of gloves.

What are good longboarding sliding gloves for a good price?

None because gloves are for pussys

Do most players use golf gloves?

Most serious players do use a glove for better gripping of the clubs which helps to facillitate a better tee off. Although clubs manufactured today already have good grips on them some golfers still prefer the glove--either from habit or because they sweat profusely.