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Answer to which countries were neutralwell... many countries in World War 2 were supposed to be neutral... like Spain, Switzerland and a bunch of other coutries, however most leaned one way or the other if even a little bit. Spain for example traded a little with Germany as did swizerland... thanks for reading this. Answernot true 4the most part =)
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Q: Which countries did not fight at all in World War 2?
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What was behind all this war?

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What is world war?

When countries all over the world are in a war.

Why did these countries fight in World War 2?

Hitler started killing Jews and invading other countries joined to stop Hitler killing all Jews and lots of other people

What where all the countries in world war 2?

All of them hence the name WORLD WAR

Why was World War 2 classified as a 'world war'?

none of the world wars were litterally a world war, not all of the countries fought on both wars and the countries didnt fight everyone on each other in both wars, WW2 was classified as a war world because it splitted most of it [Europe and USA joined it too] into 2 groups that fought each other: Allies and Axis.

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All countries fighting in World War 2 used weapons.

What side did Spain fight for during world war 1?

They didn't fight at all

How do you define a world war?

War which alot of countries from all over the world are engaged in

Why was it called World War 1 if not all countries were involved?

World War I was also called 'The Great War'. It was given that name because it involved all of the world's great powers or most influential and important countries.

Which side did you fight on during world war II allies or axis?

I didn't fight at all, which side did you fight on.

What isWorld War 1?

world war 1 is the first world war. Nearly all countries were involved in the fighting. The Major countries were Germany France and Brittan

What was World war?

World War is a war that involves all/or most of the countries fighting in alliances against each other.