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Q: Which conditions apply when all of the team are not in possession of the ball in a maul deliberately leave the maul?
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Possession and omission. Possession: to possess Omission: to omitt (leave out)

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Exempt means "to leave out, and to do so deliberately, according to some criteria" Over to you...

What do cats think when we leave?

No. Your cat will miss you, too, but he/she may ignore you deliberately for a bit to punish you.

How many percent they pay you for maternity leave?

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides for unpaid leave. The Act protects the person's job status when the leave period is over. Certain conditions allow for the FMLA to apply. See related link on the US Department of Labor's site for more information.

How do you apply for leave in lieu of leave?

Dear Sir i would like to apply for cash in lieu for 40 days of my leave days, they have accumulated to 99 days. Thank you. Priscilla

What is French leave?

It's when someone is leaving a place without being deliberately noticedIronically, in french it is said as filer à l'anglaisewhich means take an english leave!

How do you apply Aussie leave in conditioner?

You read the directions, Rub it in and leave it dont wash it

How do you apply for leave as i have to attend my cousin marriage?

If you would like to apply for leave from work, simply speak to your boss or human resources department. Be sure to give them ample time to find a replacement during your leave.

Why did a lady deliberately leave a parcel behind her on a bus?

The reason why the lady deliberately left a parcel behind her on a bus can vary. It could be an honest mistake, forgetfulness, an intentional act, or personal reasons.

How do you apply for cash in lieu of leave?

Dear Sir i would like to apply for cash in lieu for 40 days of my leave days, they have accumulated to 99 days. Thank you. Priscilla

How do apply a leave for your friends marriage?

Just say sorry

International law recognizes that US citizen Contractor employees serving with the Armed Forces of the US in the field have military status therefore do the Military leave laws apply to contractors?

No, military leave laws typically do not apply to contractors. These laws are specific to members of the military who are employed by the Armed Forces. Contractors are generally governed by the terms and conditions of their employment contracts, rather than military regulations or laws.