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Fewest losses ever? Or fewest losses in a season?

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Q: Which college baseball team holds the record for fewest losses?
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What is the college baseball team with the best record for 2012?

The college baseball team with the best record in 2012 is Arizona. Their record is 48 wins, and 17 losses. Arizona defeated South Carolina 4 to 1, in Omaha, Nebraska.

What is the fewest losses in a MLB season since 1980?

46 by the 2001 Seattle Mariners (record was 116-46).

Have there been any major league baseball teams that did not lose any games in a season?

No, the fewest losses in a season for an MLB team is 36 by the 1906 Chicago Cubs (record was 116-36).

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The MLB record for fewest wins by a team in a season was set by the 1899 Cleveland Spiders. They won 20 games that season and lost 134. The 134 losses is also an MLB record for most losses by a team in a season.

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As of the 2007-08 season, the fewest losses in a regular season is 10 by the 1995-96 Chichago Bulls whose regular season record was 72-10.

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Five wins and six losses.

What college football team has the record for most consecutive bowl losses?

va tech

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Northwestern University

What is the least amount of wins in major league baseball history?

One run, with the lowest scoring game being 1-0.

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Which team is holding the record of fewest runs in an inning in test cricket?

Canada holds the record for the lowest innings total of 36 vs SriLanka in ODI.