Alessandro Del Piero is 173 cm.
Alassandro Del Piero is a footballer (soccer player) for Sydney FC. He is Italian born and raised and played for Italy for many years before changing clubs.
Alessandro Del Piero was born on November 9, 1974.
Alessandro Del Piero was born on November 9, 1974.
No Alessandro del Piero is not a muslim. he is a Italian and a catholic.
Alessandro Del Piero is 43 years old (birthdate: November 9, 1974).
Juventus is his current club and he also played for my mum
Alessandro Del Piero is an Italian international footballer who plays for Juventus. He has represented his country in numerous major tournaments.
Alessandro was born 9 November 1974.
Yes Alessandro de Piero has score 270 goals for Juventus, he is their top scorer.