John Dryden was an English poet in the 1600s who earned his reputation primarily as a satirist. American writer, George Saunders, is another writer who did the same.
Slave traders earned significant profits from the buying and selling of enslaved individuals. The exact amount varied widely depending on the time period, location, and specific circumstances of each transaction. However, historical records indicate that slave traders could earn substantial sums of money from the exploitation of human beings.
The Assyrians of the 600s and 500s B.C.E. earned a reputation for being bloodthirsty murderers bent of ethnic and regional hegemony. The were perceived by their enemies as enjoying torturing those in the cities they conquered. So, on the whole, they earned a very negative reputation.
Rockefeller's business practices earned him the reputation of a greedy "robber baron". He gained a good reputation because of his philanthropy.
Many were farmers or merchants
His careful leadership of labour interests earned Gompers a reputation for conservatism
None of the Above :)
yes this is true because kentucky has alot of horses
Robert Crandall earned a reputation as the toughest executive in the airline industry by mercilessly pursuing the best return possible for the shareholders of American Airlines and AMR Corporation
General Thomas Jonathan Jackson earned the name "Stonewall Jackson at the first Battle of Bull Run.
he earned a reputation for developing new brands, revitalizing faltering brands, and marketing both; his strategies often resulted in growth and profit.