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Q: Which cardinal hit the last home run in sportsmans park?
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Who was last Cardinal to hit an inside the park home run?

Stan musial

Who was the cardinal who hit the last home run inside the park?

Fernando Vina hit an inside the park home run against the Brewers on Oct. 3, 2001. The homer came off of Ben Sheets with the bases empty and two out in the fifth inning

What St. Louis cardinal catcher hit an inside the park home run?

yadier molina

Who was the last Minnesota Twin to hit an inside the park home run?

Carlos Gomez

Who was the last New York Yankee to hit an inside the park home run?

Derek Jeter on July 22, 2010 hit the last inside the park home run for the Yankees. It was at Yankee Stadium against the Kansas City Royals.

Does a cardinal bird live in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park?

The Northern Cardinal or redbird has a range from Canada to Guatemala so expect to find it there.

Who was the last Boston Redsox player to hit an inside the park home run?

bill mueller

When did Tony Conigliaro hit his last home run in Fenway Park?

may 20 1975

How do you use a question with cardinal directions?

You can use cardinal directions in a question by asking about the position or location of something relative to the cardinal points (north, south, east, west). For example, "Is the store located to the east or west of the park?"

Who hit the last inside the park home run prior to 1973 in Yankee Stadium?

Daffy Duck

Who is the last player to hit for the cycle with an inside the park home run and which team did he play for?

Alex rodriguez

What is the address of Cardinal pole lower school?

Victoria Park rd Hackney E9 may i ask Why?